Environmental Issues
As a Tree City, Forest Hills and its residents are conscious of the need to protect our environment. The borough is proud to be a leader in this area with its tree program, recognized by the Arbor Day Foundation.
Links on this page are dedicated to ways in which the borough continues to promote environmental awareness among its citizens. Information is also provided on the various programs offered by the borough. Please click a link for further information or to read the article shown. Chapters from the borough’s code of ordinances related to each section heading are included at the bottom of the list (Note: see the Code of Ordinances page for full information and updates or amendments). Further information and updates may also be found in recent issues of the borough’s newsletter, the Tree City Times.
Air Quality
The Allegheny County Health Department (ACHD) measures air quality every day using monitors throughout the County, and the readings of those monitors are classified on an Air Quality Index (AQI). If the AQI is forecasted to be over 100 on a given day, ACHD issues an Air Quality Watch. If the AQI is measured at over 100, ACHD issues an Air Quality Warning. This information is then communicated over the Allegheny Alerts system.
If you would like to receive alerts go to www.alleghenycounty.us/alerts and enter your contact information. When an alert is sent on a topic you’ve chosen, you’ll receive it on the devices you’ve selected. Get an email at work, text on your cell and call at home – as many or few as you want. There’s even an app for it. You can add, delete and change your devices and topics any time. It’s all up to you.
To understand more about our air quality and the index check out the brochure here.
You can read Forest Hills’ Letter of Support to the Allegheny County Health Department here.
Stormwater Management
Please take a few moments to view this educational video. It includes guidance on following the stormwater requirements of the federal Clean Water Act as administered under the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer (MS4) Program.
Rain Barrel Information – contact the borough office for additional information and the names and numbers of volunteers who can assist residents with installing. Click the following links for online information:
Borough of Forest Hills MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems) Pollution Reduction Plan
Annual MS4 Status Report July 1st to June 30th 2018
Annual MS4 Status Report July 1st to June 30th 2019
Annual MS4 Status Report July 1st to June 30th 2020
DEP General Permit Approval Letter PAG136239
Erosion and Sediment Control Information Related to Construction
Homeowners Guide to Stormwater Best Management Practices Maintenance
Reduce Pollution From Your Home
Complete Information Available In Forest Hills Code of Ordinances Under Chapter 23 “Stormwater Management”
Invasive Species
Spotted Lanternfly (SLF) is an invasive insect that has spread throughout Pennsylvania since its discovery in Berks County in 2014. SLF feeds on the plant sap of many different plants including grapevines, maples, black walnut, and other important plants in PA. If you see SLF, help us stop it in its tracks! To report a sighting, go to https://extension.psu.edu/spotted-lanternfly or call the lanternfly hotline at 1-888-422-3359.
Spotted Lanternfly Management Resources: The public can do a great deal to stop the spread of the invasive Spotted Lanternfly. Learn how to identify and safely manage spotted lanternfly throughout the year using the following resources found here: https://extension.psu.edu/spotted-lanternfly-management-resources
Recycling and Trash Collection
Greenscaping Your Lawn And Garden
At Your Door Flyer Hazardous Waste Collection
Trash and Recycling Questions and Answers
Pennsylvania DEP Recycling Markets
Complete Information Available In Forest Hills Code of Ordinances Under Chapter 20 “Solid Waste & Recycling”
Sanitary Sewer System
Complying With The Clean Water Act
Inflow, Infiltration & Overflows
Information on Municipal Consent Orders
Sewage Overflow Basics and the Role of the Homeowner
Complete Information Available In Forest Hills Code of Ordinances Under Chapter 18 “Sewers”
Tree Program
Arbor Day Foundation Tree City Program
Complete Information Available In Forest Hills Code of Ordinances Under Chapter 25 “Trees”
Environmental Organizations of Interest to Residents
3 Rivers Wet Weather – Sanitary and Storm Sewer Issues
Allegheny County Health Department
Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection